The PM Exam Simulator statistics help you focus your studies.
Each Exam or Quiz you take in The PM Exam Simulator not only generates a separate and detailed exam report, but these reports are also added to your detailed statistics page. There are both detailed as well as aggregated statistics for you. For example, you can see that you are doing really well in Domain 1 and Domain 2, but Domain 3 isn't looking so great.
By analyzing one or more areas from within your statistics you will get a good picture of how you are doing overall and what areas you will need to focus on more in your studies.
All statistics are tailored to the specific exam you are taking. For example, the Project Management Professional (PMP)® report shows statistics per Knowledge Area, in the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® report you see statistics for agile Knowledge and Skills, and in the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® report you have statistics per chapter in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Here is what you'll get for each exam type:
Statistics | Contains | PMP® Simulator | PMI-ACP® Simulator | CAPM® Simulator |
Overview | High-level overview across all the exams/quizzes you have taken in the past 30/60 days | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Details | A listing of each and every exam/quiz that you have ever taken in the simulator. You can click on any of these reports to open up the detailed results. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
By Exam | See how well you did for each of the available exams in the simulator. Shown for the first 5 times that you take each exam. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
By Knowledge Area | See how well you understand each Knowledge Area from the PMBOK® Guide. Identify your weak ones. | Yes | No | No |
By Knowledge and Skills | PMI-ACP Questions are assigned to specific agile Knowledge and Skill areas. Here you can see exactly how you're doing for each. | No | Yes | No |
By PMBOK® Guide Chapter | See how well you understand each chapter from the PMBOK® Guide. Adjust your studies by focusing on those that give you the most trouble. | No | No | Yes |
By Domain | Identify your weakest Domain in the exam to guide and focus your studies. | Yes | Yes | No |
Exam Feedback | Get an idea of how past simulator users report they have fared on their real exams. Students tell us their exam results and we correlate their pass/fail into a tabular overview. It's all completely anonymous of course. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Copyright © 2008 - 2024 OSP International LLC.
The PM Exam Simulator is a mark of OSP International LLC. PMI, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-PBA are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.