PMI-ACP Reviews About the Exam Simulator From Real Students
You’ve planned your PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® studies. You’ve budgeted for the fees, the training and the books. Do you really need a PMI-ACP exam simulator as well?
The experience of hundreds of students shows that you do. We’ve curated a bunch of PMI-ACP exam simulator reviews from past test-takers to explain exactly why this powerful tool is the perfect complement to your other study materials if you want to pass the examination first time round.
There are a number of reasons why the test feels easier when you have studied with the best PMI-ACP exam simulator.
They include:
- Having access to detailed explanations for each question
- Being easy and intuitive to use
- Being a good match to the real test
- Building domain knowledge with performance reports to check your progress
- Using your prep time effectively by studying the right areas
But don’t just take our word for it! Let’s look at some real PM exam simulator reviews.
Detailed explanations for each question
Raman Udgiri, PMI-ACP, PMP, CSM, from AccelTree in Pune, India, passed the Project Management Institute agile certification test at the first sitting.
He writes:
“The best part of [the] exam simulator is the explanation given along with answers [for] each question. I found the exam simulator questions harder than [the] actual PMI-ACP exam. Exam simulator includes situation-based questions which test/challenge your knowledge [and] experience about Agile. This exam simulator is a ‘must’ tool for those [who] wish to do PMI-ACP certification.
I have been following the contents from Cornelius Fichtner since my PMP certification earlier. Now I have referred [to] his contents for PMI-ACP certification. In both occasions exam simulators by Cornelius helped me immensely in achieving the certifications. I have passed PMI-ACP with "Above Target" in my first attempt.”
You can only truly know if you understand the materials when you test yourself. That’s when many students start to identify gaps in their knowledge. A simulator that has detailed explanations for each answer response (including why the wrong answers are wrong) will speed up your studies by helping you identify topics that you need to review.
Detailed explanations include references to the relevant study books including the Agile Practice Guide and other reading materials. PMI doesn’t officially endorse any authors or books but they do have a list of recommended reading for you to review as part of your learning, and those texts are also referenced in the explanations where relevant.
Having the explanation and the source material allows you to get more detail in an accessible way.
Easy to use
Deepak Kumar, PMP, PMI-ACP, from the Macquarie Group in Hong Kong also used our simulator as part of his agile test prep.
He says:
“I used the PMI-ACP exam simulator to prepare for [the] PMI-ACP exam. I could easily clear it in the first attempt. This exam simulator was the key differentiator in my preparation, I couldn't have done without it.
The simulator itself was intuitive and very easy to use. My suggestion to anyone preparing for this exam: please don't sit for the exam without going through questions of this simulator. Strongly recommended.”
When you choose your test simulator, make sure that it is easy to use and that you feel comfortable navigating the system. Look for:
- Mobile and tablet accessibility if you will be using those devices to support your learning
- Clean navigation
- Detailed help and instructions
- A support team who are available to guide you if you need assistance with the product.
All those points will make it easier for you to complete your studies because you will focus less on how to use the product and more on what you are learning.
That’s why we offer a PMI-ACP Exam Simulator free trial so you can check the product suits your learning style and will be the perfect complement to your other study materials.
Good match to the real test
Jasmina, from Sarajevo in Bosnia & Herzegovina, passed her PMI-ACP certification exam at the first attempt, with excellent results in all domains.
She says:
“The difficulty of the exam simulator is quite similar to the real exam. Buying [the] PMI-ACP exam simulator was [the] best investment for my PMI-ACP examination preparation!
Your PMI-ACP exam simulator was very beneficial and with 480 exam questions I learned all the concepts, tools & techniques required for the exam.”
Being a good match to the real test was something that came up time and time again in the PMI-ACP exam simulator reviews that we read for this article.
Any sample questions you take need to match the difficulty level that you will face on test day. Otherwise, they are just a quiz. That’s fine if that’s all you need, but if you want to feel secure in your knowledge and confident in the assessment process, a full test simulator is a necessary part of your studies.
One thing to look for is test length. Here’s one of our agile exam tips for you: On the day, you’ll be seated at a computer for several hours and that can be difficult if you aren’t used to it. Practice remaining focused and engaged at your computer for the whole duration of the assessment so you get accustomed to what it feels like to be in your chair for that long. It’s really important to plan your time so you know when to take a break and how many questions you should be getting through.
Build domain knowledge with data-driven reports
The PMI-ACP exam outline test covers seven agile domains in . You’ll need to know them all to respond confidently to the questions. But which domains should you spend most time on? Sample papers can help you identify your weaker areas.
Jarvis Parker, who passed on the first attempt with Above Target on six of the seven domains after only two and a half months of studying, had this to say:
“I have to say that these exams really prepared me well for the actual exam. They were challenging, but more importantly, after they were scored, they let you know how you performed in each Domain. This helped me to hone in on my weak areas and to put additional time in to fully understand the topics.”
Many of the PM exam simulator reviews pointed out that detailed reports from sample test papers help you see where you need to broaden or deepen your knowledge. Pinpoint the areas to focus on, and be confident in what you already know.
Reports are based on your performance so you can track your progress and see how your scores change over time. Ideally, you would expect to see your scores improve as you go through your learning materials and take the time to investigate topics where you are not as confident. This also helps you put into practice the agile principle of iterative development: building on what you already have!
Use your prep time effectively
Everyone is busy: you probably have a job and other responsibilities like family, volunteering, other education or hobbies that take up your time. So it’s important to maximize the study time you do have.
Harish Kapali, PMP, PMI-ACP, used sample tests to make sure he was diving into the rationale behind each question and using his time well. He writes:
“I had already made up my mind to get [the] PMI-ACP exam simulator with PM Prepcast as I had a good experience using their examination simulator for PMP (which I passed as well). I got over 70% on all the exams and what I liked about the PM Prepcast simulator is the explanation for choosing the right answer. I spent 4 hours [on] each exam to review the answers why I chose wrong and the reasoning of the right answer. Interestingly, some of the right answers I chose had a different reasoning mentioned in the exam simulator. This helped me identify the gaps.”
When you can pinpoint gaps in your knowledge, you can use your time efficiently. Don’t waste time studying concepts you already know well. Instead, check your reasoning and research the rationale for the topics you haven’t understood.
Efficient studying means you are more likely to pass on the first attempt and that’s going to save you time in the long run -- because you won’t have to repeat the assessment again. One of the top benefits of using the right study materials is exactly that: feeling confident in your ability to take the test once and then move on with your career!
As Harish says, if you have time, it is worth digging into the rationale for the questions you got right as well: you may have simply got lucky and picked the right answer almost by accident, without fully understanding the reason why that was the best choice.
Can you manage without a simulator?
In our experience, most students choose to use a tool for sample tests as part of their agile test prep because it helps. Testing yourself is a science-backed study tip, and student experience bears that out. We feel practice exams really do make a difference, as these reviews show (and there are many others on our website and in Google reviews).
It’s time to make your choice: can you manage to pass the test without having sample papers, detailed question explanations and performance reporting to track your progress? It’s time to check out the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator from the PM PrepCast. Find out more and try the free version today.