Rated                (4.9/5.0) by 9 clients

PM Exam Simulator

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I passed the PMP thanks to the great practice I received using the PM Exam Simulator.

Fort Worth, United States

IT Project Manager

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I read the PMBOK and Rita's book several times, did all the questions after each chapter, and lookedup sample questions on the Internet. All that effort was needed but I don't think I could have passed the PMP exam (on the 1st try), without the PM Simulator. The PMP Exam Simulator helped me prepare mentally, physically, and psychologically for the real deal. Being able to take practice exams several times (4-hour 200 question exams), helped me trmendously. I also appreciated the explanation given to each question that I got wrong, along with a reference page number for the PMBOK. I highly recommend The PM Simulator to anyone that is serious about passing the exam. And the price was very reasonable.

Santa Clarita, USA


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Thanks for the opportunity to give some feedback on the simulator. My observation is that the simulator sometimes hang and it takes some time to pop up the next question. There were instances where the simulator could not bring up the next question and the system had to be shut down. However, when the system was restarted it gave me the opportunity to continue even though i had lost some minutes.

Additionally there were instances that questions were repeated in the same set of exams. This need to be addressed.

In general the simulator can be said to be very suitable for those of us preparing for our PMP exams and thanks for the support.

accra, ghana

Small Investment for Big Reward

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Cornelius, you won't have to worry about publishing this review of your product, The PM Exam Simulator.  I encourage your readers and website visitors to seriously consider committing the $100 or less (with montly discount special offers) to by the Exam Simulator.  In my exam study journey, I must have taken all the exams that can be easily googled on the web.  Compared to the PM product, I found those to be supporting my knowledge development, but not as prepatory as the Exam Simulator  in terms of language, randomness, and concept testing.  After passing my exam, I came away with the belief that way PM-Prepcast arranges its simulator most closely resembles the exam format.  Moreover, I found the explanations for each answer thorough and if I still did not understand something, I was able to find a reference.  What's more is the ongoing conversations I had with PM Exam Simulator question bank moderators who really listened to my concerns about a couple of questions and responded with the respect and professionalism I wanted to hear instead of just scoffing at my remarks.  They might take a while to respond, but respond they do so definitely use them as a resource if you need additional explanations. 


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I passed the PMP exam on 24th Feb 2014. I must acknowledge that the PM Exam Simulator was a great help indeed. I started my preparation for the PMP some 3 months ago. I fulfilled the 35 hour PDU criteria by attending an online course. Submitted my application , paid the fees but was stunned to find my application picked up for audit. I went through the audit and complied with it . Then scheduled ny exam. Immediately I purchased the PMP Exam Simulator and sat through all 9 tests in the simulator under exam like conditions . I could obtain 78% to 93% in the tests. I must say the PMP Exam simulator is  a close replica of the real exam which means you get familarized with format of the exam, the design of the screen etc. This is important as you minimize surprises and can concentrate on the real test. I did purchase the PMBOK guide 5th edition ( download) from the PMI website . I memorized and understood the ITTO(s). I did  not consult any other course material as I was not convinced that other PMP text bookd would be of much use. I believe that the trick is to take as many exams as possible , take as many questions as possible and simulate the exam environment as closely as possible. This is where the simulator was of immense help and in the real sense is testdriving the PMP exam. I passed the real exam with Proficiency grade in 2knowlege areas and the rest with medium proficiency.


Mumbai, India

Couldn't Have Passed Without It!

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I took the PMP certification exam on Friday 1/24/2014 and passed! It was my first attempt. For anyone that is thinking about whether PM Exam Simulator is worth the investment, I am here to tell  you, YES! It doesn't mean you won't have to put in the time. I took 7 of the full 4 hour practice exams. I also read the PMBOK (4th addition and updates in 5th) and other material. In addition, I created note cards with all of the ITTO's on them and carried them around with me for the last month. Every spare moment I had, I would quiz myself on the cards, and when I didn't have time to take a full practic exam, I would spend a couple of hours going over the questions I missed in prior practice exam attempts.

It really is a great studying tool. It mimics the real thing very well. There wasn't anything about the real exam that caught me off guard. If anything, I feel as though the simulator takes you through more rigorous material. Thank  you to the folks that put this site together. In addition to well thought out questions, the explanations surrounding the answers are really great. Thanks to the simulator and some blood, sweat, and tears of my own, I am a proud new PMP!

Tampa, UsA

PM Exam Simulator - Most useful

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Hi all,

I referred Rita as well as PMBOK 5, But more than Rita and PMBOK5, PM Exam Simulator from Cornelius gave me more confidence. With more than 1800 questions, it helped me focus on my gaps as well as I consistently scored more than 165 out of 200 in all the 9 Sample exams from Cornelius and the real exam is much easier than PM Exam simulator.

I would suggest all to go through PM Exam simulator, it gives you the confidence and guts and shapes your knowledge, before you face the real exam.

Thanks PM Exam Simulator..

Successfully passed pmp with help of pm-simulator

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I passed PMP on November 30,2013.I used to practice your simulator each day.I am happy to say that the simulator help me a lot to gain confidence.

I highly reccomend PMP Exam Simulator to all potential candidates. Thankyou very much for such a good product.

Milton, Canada


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I took my PMP exam in October of 2013.  I have to say that short of my MBA Comprehensive Examination it was by far the hardest exam I have ever taken. If you are not fully prepared for this exam, do not expect to pass.  I utilized the PM Exam Simulator as my primary source to prep for this exam.  I was frustrated at first because I was unable to achieve a passing score.  I would continually find myself short by 2-4 percent. 

I then began to review each question I missed and cross reference the answer and explanation of the correct answer with the PMBOK guide.  This helped alot.  I found I retained the information much better once doing this. Shortly I began to pass the quizes and exams from the PM Exam simulator. The ability to use this simulator was key to my passing the exam. 

After taking a quiz or exam with the PM exam simulator, I found the feed back provided allowed me to focus on the knowledge area and/or process group where I was the weakest.  The ability to focus my attention in these areas allowed me to study and strengthen these areas becoming more fully prepared for the actual PMP exam. This I believe was the most useful tool to me.  It allowed me to keep my study focused on the areas that needed my attention and the most effort of my studytime.

I can honestly say that if anyone is looking for a method to help them properly perpare for the PMP exam, the PM Exam Simulator is a good choice.  When completing the exam, and waiting on the proctor, he ask me which exam I had taken.  When I told him it was the PMP exam, he replied, the PMP Exam must be a difficult exam as he does not see many people pass it from there facility.  I could only smile and say thank you.  However, my thank you was meant for the PM Exam simulator. I thought about all the quizes and exams that I had taken using the PM Exam Simulator. I realized that had I not done so, I would have been one of the many referenced by the proctor who had left with out passing.

Good luck to everyone taking the Exam and no matter what method you chose to study, the PM Exam Smulator remains the top on my list.

Victorville, USA


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Dear Sir,

It was great pleasure to practice questions using your PMP Exam Simulator, it is really a power tool to enhance our knowledege and increase our understanding of the knowledge, philosophy and methodology of the Project Management guidelines through PMBOK Edition 5.

But I have some points :

1. The questions that refer to wikipedia, or professional books by PMI like the standards for WBS and Schedule, are they pre-test questions ( 25 uncounted questions) or PMI is testing our general project management knowledge (think global, act local) ?

2. I would like to extend the access to the simulator for another 3 months, is there an offer for longer duration ?, it is really a very pour tool for more understanding.


Best regards,

Alaa Eldin

Abu Dhabi, UAE, ASGC

Happy Customer

I used the PM Simulator for around 1 month before taking my PMP exam, which I passed on the first try.  The PM Simulator definitely helped me prepare for the exam and become comfortable with the time constraints.  

I had an occassional comment/question about exam questions.  The support staff always responded promptly with extremely thoughful and helpful responses.

Thank you!

Hello Cornelius & Team

Testimonial image


I am in consulting profession, specializing in SAP Finance and working out of Bay Area. Few months back, I enrolled with PMI and gave myself a target to clear the PMP exam. Due to my nature of job and stringent project deadlines, I was hard pressed for time to study and eventually had about 20 days time to prepare for my exam on Oct 18th' 2013. I subscribed to your PMP Exam Simulator and religiously practiced at least one mock exam per day in the last 10 days.I am happy to inform you that I cleared my exam on Oct 18th on the first attempt with "Proficiency" in all the areas with 20 days of overall and 10
days of dedicated prep. I found your PMP Exam Simulator very useful and prepared me well. Thank you very much for coming up with this wonderful tool and exhaustive content.
Appreciate it.


Best PMP exam simulator on the market!

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The PM Exam Simulator is by far the most impressive and helpful PMP test preparation tool out on the market. Aside from having over 1,800 questions to test your PMI knowledge, the simulator covers all process groups and management areas to ensure successful PMP exam outcomes. Prompt and consistent feedback is always provided when concerns are raised on questions, answers, or their explanations. This is the best investment for anyone who is looking to pass the exam on their first run!

Walnut, Ca, United States

Every PMP aspirant should buy this

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Thanks to PM Exam Simulator. I passed my PMP certification (4th edition) on the first attempt.

I must appreciate their service. I purchased PM Exam Simulator only 1 week before my PMP exam. By mistake I had purchased simulator for 5th Edition. Later, I realized that I had purchased wrong version and then I emailed the admin team to change my access to 4th edition. I got 4th edition access within 24 hrs. Thanks for admin team for providing me access immediately.

Regarding the contents in PM Exam Simulator – I would say that this is one of the best simulator in the market which every PMP aspirant should go for it. Most of the question pattern was similar to real PMP exam. I have tried many simulator and I didn’t feel satisfactory. Only Rita and PM simulator are really good.

Sydney, Australia, TCS


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System Innovators

Hello Cornelius,

What a great tool for studying for the PMP Exam.  Using the study guides and the PM Exam Simulator, prepaired me to pass the exam on my first try.  The PM Simulator was very flexible and allowed me to study specific areas of weakness.  Due to time contraints, I was not always able to take a 4 hour simulated exam. Being able to select up to 100 questions per test, made it more useable.  I took 3 full simulated exams before I took the final exam and felt ready to go.  This also helped me to complete the real exam in 3.5 hours allowing for me to go back through all my marked questions and double check. I look forward to furture training through your website.

Middleburg, USA, System Innovators


Testimonial image

I passed the exam today on the first attempt. 

I spent 32 hours over the last four weeks with the PM Simulator. First I focussed on specific knowledge areas I was preparing and then on the exams. I worked through all exams and scored on average 76 %. The tool is very helpful as it explains the answers which helped me to better transfer the knowledge into PMI terminology and find the best answer. 


Passed the exam

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Hi yesterday I passed the exam.

I answered approximately 2200 questions before the exam. I felt very well prepared for the exam and did pass it with good results (4x proficient, 1x moderately proficient).

It is important not only to answer the questions but also to review the results and read the explanation and the correct answers for questions that were not correct.

The PM Simulator was very helpful for the preparation for the exam.

Good luck for your exam.

Good simulator

Testimonial image

This PM Simulator is very helpful, for the reasons below:

1] To familiarize with real exam experience i.e the exam layout. During the exam, there is no time to lose, we must be able to start running from the first second.

2] To be able to move from one scenario (i.e Planning) to a different scenario (i.e Closing) and not lose momentum.

3] To learn faster instead of just reading PMBOK.

4] This simulation does contain some questions almost similar to the real exam.


I passed my PMP exam few days ago.

Got 4P and 1MP.

I didnt expect it, but this simulator certainly helped during my 2 months study period.


Great study tool

Testimonial image

What a great investment!

The addage "one learns best from their mistakes" is true.

Every question I failed in the practice exams helped me understand the PMI way of thinking, which helped me better my result every time I took another exam.

I got to the exam prepared in such a way that even if I did not remember the exact answer, I was able to logically work through the question and figure out the answer because I understood the concepts and how PMI wants you to apply them.

Technical Advisor

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Two weeks ago I passed my PMP exam!  PM Exam Simulator was extremly helpful in preparing me for the exam.  The actual exam appeared to be somewhat easier than the simulator exams.  I think the number of questions that the simulator offers made the difference.  This is agreat tool!  Thank you.

United States

PM Exam is Aces

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I passed my PMP Certification on the first try thanks in large part to the PM Exam Simulator. I initially purchased the PM PrepCast and listened while doing my daily activities. I also read the PMBOK. It wasn't until I began taking the simulated exams that I truly began to learn. I would take a test and then study the questions I missed. I took most of the practice exams, scoring in the mid 60s%. Two days before my scheduled exam I took the dreaded "T&T only" exam which I put off, but scored 84%. The day before the exam, I scored 74% on the last exam. This filled me with confidence. I could not have learned the material to the level needed without the PM Exam Simulator. In addition to the educational factor of the simulator were gaining the stamina to take a 4-hour test, getting a feel for how long I can focus on questions and learning I didn't have to panic about the time, and gaining confidence that I know the material and can pass the exam. Thank you for a fine product.








United States

My PM Exam Simulator experience

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I passed the PMP exam on my first try on Jan 24th, 2013. Due to severe time constraints, PM Exam Simluator is the only software I used. I took 4 exams and I think I averaged about 74% in all of them combined. If you are not scoring 80%, DONT be disheartened at all. I got 78% as the highest and I passed the PMP exam with 3 P's and 2 MP's.

However if you are NOT scoring 80% and do want to pass in your first try, do the below -

1. See where you are going wrong, and try to improve your understanding in those knowledge areas/processes. I did this and then took the exam.

2. The PM Exam Simulator has some ambiguity or incorrect grammar in some questions, this will cause you to get some questions wrong, dont worry about this. In the real exam, the grammar will be correct.

3. The real exam is fairly tough, so prepare well.


Exam Simulator is great!

Testimonial image

I passed my PMP last week and the PM Exam Simulator played a great role in helping me prepare for the exam. The price is great and content is vrey competitive. I was using both Rita's software as well as this one and can say that this s/w is very competitive and questions are close to exam levels.

Some of the questions from sources other than PMBOK are not really relevant to the exam but more knowledge is definitely not a loss.

I would defitnitely recommened the PM Exam Simulator software to anyone who is preparing for PMP!

San Jose, United States


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I recently passed the PMP exam. I recommend using the PM Exam Simulator as I believe it definetely contributed towards my passing the exam. I worked through about 50% of the simulator questions and still managed to pass. It was always good to review the explanation of answers.

Toronto, Canada, Mascoma

Big thanks to PM exam simulator

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I would like to thank you for offering such a strong tool for PMP exam preparation. Along with PM Prepcast, it really helped me building confidence for the exam. Especially I found statistics tables very useful to find focus areas to spend more time. During my study between Oct 15, 2012-Dec 31, 2013; I answered around 2000 questions including PM Exam Simulator questions. Although overall study itself was very challenging, I really enjoyed podcasts and 4hr exams. PM PrepCast and PM exam simulator packages have smart design, right focused, full in content and pleasing. I passed the PMP exam and started getting positive feedbacks immediately after it. Big thanks to Cornelius Fichtner and his team.

PMP Certitifed

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Passed my exam yesterday.  I used a number of tools in my study, but to be honest, I found the PM Exam Simulator the closest to the real exam questions wise.  I know Rita's come highly recommended but for $89.00 while Rita's is close to $300.  I thought these were great.  They are hard but more importantly they explain the reasoning behind the answers.  It was worth my money.

Passing my PMP Exam

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Dear Fichtner,

I passed my PMP exam on the 21st of February by using PM Exam Simulator. It was really important for me to get PMP certificate. During prepare for the last change (the third one), I had decided to use PM Exam Simulator. Helpfully, I have used it. Before three days from PMP exam, I examed with PM Exam Simulator at same time with PMP exam. It was really wunderfull, very helpfull and really usefull. Using this method, I could manage my time during PMP exam.

Thanks a lot from Turkey,

Mustafa Şengül, PMP





Testimonial image


Hi Cornelius

Thanks for building this awesome website for PMP mock tests. I passed PMP in December ,2012. I spent about 6 months for preparation.  I tried to study PMBOK first but got lost as the contents are described from very high level. In addition  since I am not a PM yet I needed some study material that was detailed enough to help me understand the concepts and eventually found Rita Mulcahy's book. I studied Rita's book cover to cover twice and practiced the test questions. At the same time I skimmed through PMBOK for some contents such as diagrams and ITTO (Input, tools and techniques, Output). I also downloaded ITTO game in my Iphone and indeed it helped me a lot to visualize the correct term when I attempted questions during preparation and actual PMP exam. After I completed my preparation I wanted to write some mock tests before the actual test and found good reviews about PM Exam Simulator.Therefore I bought the practice tests from  PM EXAM SIMULATOR and  was able to write 5 out of 9 mock tests and found them really helpful. The difficulty level of these mock tests are similar to real exam.I found the actual PMP exam quite difficult so I am glad I invested in PM EXAM SIMULATOR which paid off. The only criticism I have is some questions from the simulator were redundantly difficult as if they were prepared just to look difficult instead of teaching something about the concept. These questions totally lost cohesiveness with the answer and explanation. In short there was no connection between the question and the answer. I believe i provided feedback for some questions while I was reviewing incorrect answers. However overall i am satisfied and would recommend PM EXAM SIMULATOR to future PMP aspirants.



Toronto, Canada

Excellent simulator

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I am glad to let you know that i passed PMP exam in the first attempt on Dec 29,2012.I really want to appricate your efforts to keep this PM Exam Simulator as close to the real PMP exam.This is certainley best in the market and more importantly effordable one.Awesome work.Way to go !


Baji Shaik,PMP

Norman, United States

PMP Exam in Munich/Germany

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Hello Cornelius,

I passed the PMP Exam at the 5th of December 2012 in Munich/Germany. I want to say thank you for the great work you have done with your PM PrepCast and the PM Exam Simulator. I prepared myself with these two inputs and a PMP study book for the exam. The PM Exam Simulator supported me in the preparation of the exam with respect to the content/questions as well as the exam situation as such.

Thank you very much Cornelius for your good eLearnings and I wish you all the best for the future.    

Warm Regards,



Untermeitingen, Germany


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Dear team, many thanks for your perfect products. They DO help. I just passed the exam. So happy...


Kind regards, 

Galya Radeva, PMP

London, United Kingdom

Passed my PMP

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Hello Cornelius,

My PMP exam celebration would not be whole without dropping a note about how your PM-EXAM SIMULATOR and PM-PREPCAST made the seemingly daunting task of becoming a PMP quite easy for me.

I started out by getting the simulator, worked through 96% of the 1800 question on board. Felt so confident at first then work obligations came calling for about a month; making me develop cold feet as the due date gets closer(..really can’t imagine re-sitting for a 4hrs plus exam..). I then said to myself, “you need to get a workaround to accomplish this project irrespective of this constraint”….ahhha….then I went for the PM-prepcast that saved me the trouble of reading the PMBOK guide for the second time; making me study virtually anywhere I go.
I must commend all the work put into this masterpiece of yours, it is indeed a must get for anyone that really wants to bag the PMP on first attempt.

Yeah, I guess feeling too excited right now, to keep talking about how your materials made me a PMP on first go.

Less I forget, would not mind to be an affiliate to help sell your materials, especially the prepcast if you don’t mind.

This is Olufemi Wilson PMP. Signing out.

Warm Regards

PMP-1st Trial

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I attended Cornelius' training The PM PrepCast. Then I read PMBOK twice, Rita's PMP exam prep 3 times. I was about to ready for the exam in July and one day I saw some email from PM Exam Simulator. I tried with 30 question trial exam, and to my surprise I got only 50%. 

After hard reading efforts, I felt down and was thinking what went wrong. Then I realized that all the study material and training are extremely good to clear the concepts, definitions and ideas. But during the exam the questions might be scenario based / tricky.

So, I decided to buy PM Exam Simulator of 9 Tests. For first 2-3 exams got between 64 to 66% and then later reached up-to 70 to 75%. During these 9 simulator exams I learnt how to manage breaks during 4 hrs, how to manage mind/eyes/temperament/hunger/thirst. 

And as a result, I was ready for the D-Day and in September, passed my PMP. Particularly Exam-9 made me so confident about ITTO, which was not possible to cram in any way.

Per my personal experience, I would definitely recommend The PM Exam Simulator before facing real exam.

harrisburg, United States

I passed my PMP exam

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I passed my PMP exam today, largely thanks to these simulated exams. I took 2 months to prepare for the PMP exam, and I was able to devote my time to it.  Studied about 20 hours per week.  The first month I used the PrepCasts from this same company.  As I would listen to the prepcast, I would usually watch the video at the same time, and I would also follow along with the PMBOK to highlight items.  After this first month of study, I bought the PM Exam Simulator, and I took all 8 normal exams during that month, and I reviewed the incorrect answers of each test.  Based on the test results, I would choose a couple of chapters to review in depth before I took my next practice exam.  I also took the 9th exam, called the ITTO exam (Inputs, Tools & Techniques, Outputs), but I actually took this as an open-book test.  I used this to confirm my understanding of the processes.  I tried to answer, and would look at PMBOK if needed, making sure I saw the need for that Input or Tool. I highly recommend this exam simulator. Some users might want a CD-based product, but I always studied where I had good internet connection, so I loved this online tool.

San Antonio, United States

PM Exam Simulator Review

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PM Exam Simulator Review

I am finding the PM Exam Simulator to be very helpful in my preparation to take the PMP Exam.  It gives me a sense of how ready I am, as well as clearly show me what areas I still need to work on.  The evaluation at the end of each exam/quiz related to the knowledge areas and process groups is very helpful.  Plus, the ability to check the questions that I got wrong, see what the correct answer is, and where to read more about it is GREAT information and helpful in my preparation.


mahendra pandey

Testimonial image

Excellent products that is very easy to use.

I am very impressed with the great value I have received.

I really feel like I have the advantage! I strongly recommend this product, you will not be disappointed.


Testimonial image

The PM Exam Simulator was well worth the money! I used it in conjunction with the PM PrepCast and would recommend both.

Minnesota, USA


Testimonial image

I passed the PMP exam today! After checking out one other paid pmp exam online simulator, I signed up with the PM Exam Simulator in March. Next to the recommendations by other colleagues, I liked the format and the way the answers are presented. The referenced page numbers and wording is in line with the current PMBOK(R), Version 4 and it encourages you to re-read the applicable sections in the PMBOK(R). Sometimes other study material or the internet is referenced but not that often. You also have the option to select questions/quizes by knowledge areas and process groups. It would be nice to do the same for inputs/outputs. Currently, there are only 2 full exams available to test these. I never managed to do a 200 question exam on those alone, so I stopped the exams early. Doing as many questions as possible definitely is key in passing the test. Also, really working through the incorrect answers and the one's that you just guessed is very important. I also read through my correct answers again, and it helped me recognize and memorize a lot of the "official" PMI wording as well as inputs and outputs for processes, as these are often listed in full for a related process question. Feedback about questions or answers that might not be clear to you, is prompt. The difficulty of questions can also be rated (not sure how this is used though). Overall, great product!

Lawrence, MA, USA


Testimonial image

Cornelius,You will glad to know that I have passed my PMP in my first attempt on 17th Jan. Such a wonderful feeling.Thanks for creating such a wonderful course - PM PrepCast and PMP Exam simulator. I have used both. I think Exam simulator is very close to what I had in my exam. In fact it prepared me so well that the simulator questions/exam looks more tough/challenging then actual exam. that helped me to prepare for the best. Your PM PrepCast was a great tool for me to prepare for the exam since I was travelling 4 Hrs to and fro, that didn't left enough time to study at home during weekdays. The Prepcast not only prepare you for PMP, it also helped me to apply these principal in my day to day job. My advice to future aspirant. Don't just prepare for PMP as an exam for the sake of adding a credential . Use this preparation to be a best project manager and apply this to your organization and success will automatically follow you. I have used Rita read twice, Rita exam simulator , PM PrepCast, PMP Exam simulator, PMBOK (Once). Practiced around 3000+ questions. PMBok is best to learn about ITTO, the charts really helped me to understand how processes interact and integrate with each other. It took me around 3-4 months to prepare for the same. There is no good time or best time to start preparation for PMP. Don\'t procrastinate, just do it. One piece of advice, Relax a day before the exam and take a nice/proper sleep, Don\'t over study.Its a long 4 Hrs exam and you are not allowed to take anything inside the exam-no food, no water, no wallet, no calculator. Practice to take at least 4-5 complete 4 Hrs PMP Exam from the simulator before taking the exam, I give full credit to that to pass my exam. Thanks again Cornelius ,I will come back to you soon for the PDUs. I would also like to thank my wife Ritu and son Mehul who has given me their full cooperation in spite of not able to give them full attention and time during this journey and screwing all their vacation time. It would not have been possible without their support. Good luck for all future aspirants.


Testimonial image

The PM Exam Simulator help me to prepare myself to the exam. I passed it at the first time Thanks!


Senior Project Manager

Testimonial image

Without a doubt, I was extremely please with the PM Exam Simulator. It was one of the most valuable tools that I put to use in preparing for the PMP exam. Having the opportunity to review each and every question with clear and concise explanations as to why the best answer was REALLY the best answer made this just as much of a learning tool as it was a knowledge testing tool. Simply fantastic. I highly recommend this tool.

Minneapolis, MN, USA

Israel Liebana

Testimonial image

The PMP Exam Simulator really mimics the real PMP exam software application: the navigation buttons, the mark/unmark functionality and the review functionality. You feel comfortable answering the 200 questions of the exam. Moreover, the content and the approaching taken by this product prepares you very well to pass the exam. The situational questions offered by this product are even more complex that the questions you will face in the PMP exam.


piccand regis

Testimonial image

The PM Exam Simulator helped me evaluate my level and progression over the last weeks before the exam. I started with a ~65% result, which was obviously not sufficient. By looking at my results by process groups, I was able to focus on the aspects where I needed to improve. After a few exam/analysis/study cycles, I was able to reach 75%, which was encouraging. I have used other preparation exams (lehmann, head first, brainbok), and I found that the PM Exam Simulator questions where the closest to the actual PMP questions. Definitely great value for the price.

Chief Clinical Officer

Testimonial image

Allscripts Healthcare

I purchased three different products from PMP Prepcast. The prepcast itself, the PM Exam Simulator, and the PM Formulas product. I studied using these three after attending a 4 day boot camp offered from PMI. I passed my exam on the first attempt and believe the prepcast products were very important to my success. The Exam Simulator was a great adjunct to keep me interested in studying- adding variety and a much needed opportunity to get comfortable with the exam format. I watched the prepcasts on my iPad and then listened to them on my iPod while exercising. The PM Formulas emails offered the only help in calculating and memorizing to practice for the exam. I recommend all these tools highly.

Allscripts Healthcare

Documentation Localization Specialist

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I purchased the PMP Exam Simulator to take the PMP exam, and for the month and a half leading up to taking the exam, I did as many full exams and quizzes as I could in the Simulator. I found that the Simulator really helped me not only get a better understanding of the format and flow of the actual exam, but it also helped me figure out how to time myself to be able to answer all questions, and then review the ones I had marked. Additionally, the Simulator helped me figure out the areas that I needed to study more--with the helpful Mark option on each question, once I finished the exam or quiz, I reviewed all of my marked questions and was able to categorize them into areas such as misread the question, got the ITTO's confused, genuinely had no idea, etc. My only complaint about the Simulator is that sometimes the answer explanations were not robust enough for me to actually understand why the correct answer was correct. The explanation would only say what the correct answer was, but it would've been very helpful to also know why the wrong answers were wrong. This is not true for most questions, just a handful. All in all a definitely worthwhile investment because I passed! --Jill


Sanjay Singal

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Dear Mr. Cornelius I am so thrilled and excited that I cleared my PMP test on April 05, 2012 in Vancouver. Besides the PMBOK, your exam simulator proved to be the key to my success. I initially tried your free question bank that was valid for a period of 3 days only. I found it very beneficial and I realized that this was the pattern that could lead me close to success in real exam. I subscribed to your PM Exam Simulator along with the PM Formula bank 105 questions on Mach 06, 2012 and these both proved a blessing in disguise. In a span of one month, I attempted all 1800 questions in your simulator and I checked each and every explanation that helped me doing critical analysis of the problems. I attempted the 105 formula questions twice to be thorough with the concepts. I listened to your 1 hour webinar carefully and that proved equally useful. I made up right strategies to complete and review the 200 questions in the real exam; especially the numerical and formula based questions. It was a real challenge for me to clear the PMP test this time and I am really glad that I made a right decision at right time by subscribing to your simulator and the formula question bank. Thank you once again for creating a wonderful PM Exam Simulator by compiling the real questions. I would recommend all PMP certification seekers to subscribe to the PM Exam Simulator by Cornelius Fichtner to write their story of success. Sanjay Singal, PMP, Vancouver April 07,2012

Vancouver, Canada

Heena Sampat

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Respected Sir, I cleared my PMP examination on the 29th March 2012. I had purchased PM Exam Simulator for the final preparation. I would like to share my experience for the same. Due to time constrains, I could utilise the simulator for only 30 approximately. But,[b] I should say, it is an excellent source for practice. [/b] Also, the quiz option, where we are allowed to select a few questions for practice, with timed as well as learning mode. The explanations provided by the PM Exam Simulator are just appropriate. Just one suggestion. If in the quiz option if you could add one more category under [Random ] named as "Previously incorrect answers" , it would help us to check our weaker areas of learning Regards Heena Sampat, PMP

Mumbai, India

Martin Novotny

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PM Exam Simulator is a great tool how I can perform dry run and simulate real exam. I found it very useful and important to train to sit 4 hours and concentrate on questions. I think the question are written on a very good quality level and for each you have also answer and explanation which is very helpful. There is one thing which I would suggest as an improvement to have it even more user friendly. After each test you want to check correctness of answers review it with explanation. It would be great to have a possibility to jump into just wrong answers with explanation(currently you have to see which one is wrong, check it, go back to results, select next wrong, review, etc.)

Project Manager

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Using The PM Exam Simulator I managed to play positive exam test.


Infrastructure Project Manager

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After I finished watching ALL the PM PrepCast videos and learning the concepts I purchased PM Exam Simulator to test my knowledge and readiness for actual PMP exam. In about two weeks I completed 8 of the 9 available exams. Results Review by DOMAIN and KNOWLEDGE AREA helped me a lot to assess where I stood and to focus on key areas. I was building confidence and getting better results after each test, especially the test on ITTOs gave me a lot of confidence. PM Exam Simulator helped me in developing my own test taking strategies. After taking PM Exam Simulator exams I felt that the actual PMP exam was much easier.

Minneapolis, MN, USA

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®

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The PM Exam Simulator is a mark of OSP International LLC. PMI, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-PBA are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.