The Free PMI-ACP®
Exam Simulator™
Free PMI-ACP Exam Simulator Features
The Free PMI-ACP Exam Simulator includes exactly the same features as The Premium PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator. It is the fastest and best way so that you can try out all simulator features for seven days before deciding to go with the premium one outright.
And trust us... once you have your free access you will see that this simulator not only has the best features but it also beats the competition with the depth and breadth of questions.
Here is a comparison between the two. As you can see, the real difference between Premium and Free is actually just the number of questions that you get:
Feature | Premium PMI-ACP Exam Simulator | Free PMI-ACP Exam Simulator |
Price | $99 | Free |
Access Duration | 90 days | 7 days |
Number of Questions | 480 | 60 |
Number of Exams | 4 | 3 |
Live Feedback™ | Yes | Yes |
Realistic Environment | Yes | Yes |
Updated to Current Exam | Yes | Yes |
24/7 Access | Yes | Yes |
Detailed Explanations | Yes | Yes |
Three Exam Modes | Yes | Yes |
Mark for Review Button | Yes | Yes |
For PC, Tablet or Phone | Yes | Yes |
Unlimited Repeats | Yes | Yes |
Contact Hours1 | No | No |
1) Only training qualifies for contact hours. The Project Management Institute (PMI)® doesn't consider simulators as training.
Bonus Items

Bonus 1: Email Course on Basic Strategies for Taking a PMI® Exam
In this 4-part email course we introduce you to important multiple choice test taking strategies, give our recommendations for other PMI-ACP Exam study material you need and we review the benefits of a simulator.

Bonus 2: PMI-ACP Exam Simulator Comparison Worksheet

Bonus 3: PMI-ACP Exam Tips Newsletter
We publish a regular PMI-ACP Exam Tips Newsletter with tips, tricks, study approaches, best practices, articles and recommended study materials. A must have for everyone preparing for the Exam. (You can unsubscribe at any time).
Customer Reviews

The exam simulator was a fantastic tool in preparing for and passing my PMP exam! I enjoyed the option to customize quizzes from the question bank based on my weaknesses and time. The feedback was very detailed and all the questions had excellent references. The timing feature was a great tool to manage my pace through the questions. The detailed reports we excellent in understanding where to focus more study. I would highly recommend the simulator to anyone serious about passing their PMP exam with confidence.

The PM PrepCast Simulator is an absolute MUST if you're planning to take the PMP exam! I prepared for the test by reading (and understanding!) the PMBOK Guide and Agile Practice Guide and some other materials. But having the PMP exam simulator from PM PrepCast was CRUCIAL for me passing the PMP exam with ABOVE TARGET on ALL domains. The simulator is highly realistic, and in some cases a little harder than the actual PMP exam. After taking 3-4 full practice exams (and consistently scoring 80% ) in the simulator, you will feel that the actual exam is a breeze! Thank you so much Cornelius and PM PrepCast team. - James K., PMP

The Exam Simulator is super helpful, it is organized in a way that you can select the subject that you would like to focus on. Also, it helps in learning by practicing how to read, understand and most importantly answer correctly. The sample tests provides similar experience to the exam where you need to sit for around 4hrs! I had only 1 month to study and I nailed it.